Using OpenAPI REST Management REST API with n8n to implement management work flows


I would like to use n8n with Management OpenAPI REST API with n8n to make managemnt work flows.
Management OpenAPI definitions yaml

Management REST API is protected with an API key based authentication. To execute REST calls,

As example below executing REST call using curl

curl --header “Authorization: X-Road-ApiKey token=c6804432-37f4-43e3-b3f1-b7bb0b1ac3b0” “” -k


My question is the n8n suitable for this purpose and how n8n can be used implement management work flows using this Management OpenAPI REST API. I hope that n8n can be used without programming

Lauri-Alo Adamson

Hey @alolauri!

Welcome to the community :sparkling_heart:

You can use n8n to build your management workflows. To make API calls to the Management OpenAPI REST API you can use the HTTP Request node. Since the API uses Header Auth for authentication, you can set that up in the node too. A good starting point to learn about the HTTP Request node is this blogpost: How to use the HTTP Request node

Based on what you want to do in the workflow, it can be build without writing a single line of code! But if you want to extend the capabilities you can use some code snippets. We also have documented common code snippets that might be helpful: JavaScript Code Snippets | Docs

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Thanks for quick answer. I would try mke some work flows and experiment

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