Woocommerce order export to GSheet, Airtable, Baserow etc

Hi there,

Big up to all contributor to this amazing project I really love it :pray:

I’m looking to make this automation every day a 6pm :
Export Woocommerce order → into a database (Gsheet, Airtable or baserow) → send it into a cloud storage like (GDrive or Dropbox)

Anyone can help Me ?

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Welcome to the community @Alexandre_Diaz

Do you want to export all new orders? Or just a specific order every day?

Thanks :slight_smile: @RicardoE105

Yes all new order, thanks a lot for taking time !

Is it necessary that the workflow runs a specific time every day? Can’t you process the orders as they are created? Because that would simplify the workflow since you can simply use the Woocommerce Trigger.

Nope it’s ok.
My logistician just need an “interface” like a Gsheet to process the order of the website.

ahh then the Woocommerce trigger connected to the Airtable/GSheet/Baserow should do it. Did you try it?