Working with larger files (2MB - 20MB+)

Hi @messi198310, as mentioned in the past (e.g. Upload all files from FTP to Nextcloud - #16 by MutedJam) I suggest using a more specialized tool when working with larger binary files such as rclone (which can still be controlled through n8n).

That said, if you want to do this with n8n the below might help:

  • Address the 413 issue by setting the N8N_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX variable to a higher value (you can find more background information on this here). When using a reverse proxy you might also need to make adjustments in there.
  • When running the latest version of n8n you can also set the N8N_DEFAULT_BINARY_DATA_MODE variable to filesystem to avoid n8n loading binary data in memory and use the filesystem instead. This can help if in addition to the 413 errors you also see your entire instance crashing with out of memory problems. Data will still be kept in memory completely if you convert binary data into JSON data though.

You should also consider reducing the size of the data being processed for example by:

  1. Splitting the data processed into smaller chunks (e.g. instead of fetching multiple files with each execution, process only one file per execution)
  2. Split the workflow up into into sub-workflows (e.g. instead of having your data pass 50 nodes in one workflow, have it pass 10 nodes in 5 workflows each)
  3. Avoid using the Function node
  4. Avoid executing the workflow manually (as this means another copy of the data is kept for the UI)