YouTube: No binary data exists on item!

I’m trying to upload Youtube video. Read Binary File Node reads file with no problem. Youtube the same file path shows “ERROR: No binary data exists on item!” and “YouTube: No binary data exists on item!”.

I use desktop N8n with path on local computer.

NodeOperationError: No binary data exists on item!
    at Object.execute (C:\Users\Zheka\AppData\Local\Programs\n8n\resources\app\node_modules\n8n-nodes-base\dist\nodes\Google\YouTube\YouTube.node.js:582:35)
    at Workflow.runNode (C:\Users\Zheka\AppData\Local\Programs\n8n\resources\app\node_modules\n8n-workflow\dist\src\Workflow.js:594:51)
    at C:\Users\Zheka\AppData\Local\Programs\n8n\resources\app\node_modules\n8n-core\dist\src\WorkflowExecute.js:537:64

Hi @Yevgen_Ko,

It looks like you might have deleted a few questions from the template when posting your question. Could you share your workflow? I’ve recently tested the upload using this workflow and it was working fine in principle. So it’d be great to understand what exactly you are trying to do.


So I see the problem now. The YouTube node can’t read directly from the file system, you would need the Read Binary File node for this first. So something like this:

This should read your file into a binary property named data which the YouTube node can then access.

I tried Start → Read Binary ->Youtube, and simply Start->Youtube. The same thing…

What does the output of your Read Binary File node look like? Does it show a valid binary property like so?

Yes Binary works fine… I think I have problem with youtube authorization

with Start->Binary->Youtube . I have ERROR: Forbidden - perhaps check your credentials?
ERROR: Forbidden - perhaps check your credentials?

{ “error”: { “code”: 403, “message”: “The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your \u003ca href="/youtube/v3/getting-started#quota"\u003equota\u003c/a\u003e.”, “errors”: [ { “message”: “The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your \u003ca href="/youtube/v3/getting-started#quota"\u003equota\u003c/a\u003e.”, “domain”: “youtube.quota”, “reason”: “quotaExceeded” } ] } }

problem with youtube authorization

“ERROR: No binary data exists on item” wouldn’t suggest an authorization problem, it’s rather that you’re referencing a non-existent item.

If you get a binary item, can you try using the exact name of the binary property in your YouTube node? In this example, the name would be data:

Sorry, I saw your second post only after I posted my reply. So it looks like you have sorted out the binary problem but are now getting an error message from Youtube’s API. You might simply want to wait until your quota resets before trying again.

thanks… interesting… I tried just to set it up… and use all quota?.. I’ll try later… Thank you!

Sorry for that - I wonder if YouTube might count the failed upload attempts as well. With the 10,000 units per day available by default and an upload consuming 1,600 units, this will be eaten up after just a few attempts.

If you want to familiarize yourself with n8n in the meantime, our course covering a lot of basic n8n concepts might be worth looking at: Overview - n8n Documentation

Yeah… You are right… I used almost 10000 queries just setting up… Thanks for the link to the course!

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No worries at all and sorry for the trouble!