0.159.1 "LoggerProxy not initialized"

Describe the issue/error/question

Hi When I execute a blank workflow or a workflow with a node, it immediately fails and says “LoggerProxy not initialized”

What is the error message (if any)?

“Problem executing workflow” and LoggerProxy not initialized

Please share the workflow

(Select the nodes and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow respectively)

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.159.1
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite): default SQLite
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]: default
  • Running n8n via [Docker, npm, n8n.cloud, desktop app]:
    We are running n8n as a dependency in our typescript project which is hosted by a linux vm.

Hey @joeauby,

If you try and run n8n outside of your project is it working? It would be worth checking if it is a general problem or one that only exists when it is being launched as a dependency of another project.

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Having the same issue, I’m using Cloudron to run N8N and the odd part is that on 2 N8N instance I don’t have this problem (they all are same version of N8N)

And on 1 other N8N instance I have this error, with the Mastodon Community Node.

Not sure what I can do to debug more and find out.

NodeApiError: UNKNOWN ERROR - check the detailed error for more information
    at Object.mastodonApiRequest (/app/data/user/.n8n/nodes/node_modules/n8n-nodes-mastodon/nodes/Mastodon/Mastodon_Methods.ts:195:9)
    at Object.create (/app/data/user/.n8n/nodes/node_modules/n8n-nodes-mastodon/nodes/Mastodon/Mastodon_Methods.ts:88:35)
    at Object.execute (/app/data/user/.n8n/nodes/node_modules/n8n-nodes-mastodon/nodes/Mastodon/Mastodon_Methods.ts:19:42)
    at Object.execute (/app/data/user/.n8n/nodes/node_modules/n8n-nodes-mastodon/nodes/Mastodon/Mastodon.node.ts:41:48)
    at Workflow.runNode (/app/code/node_modules/n8n-workflow/src/Workflow.ts:1270:42)
    at /app/code/node_modules/n8n-core/src/WorkflowExecute.ts:938:44
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

Hey @benb,

That could be an issue with the community node have you reached out to whoever made it?

Yes waiting for more information. It’s odd that the same node, same version, same N8N version works just fine, using the same underlying docker stack .

here is the issue on github Error LoggerProxy not initialized · Issue #4 · n8n-community-node/n8n-nodes-mastodon · GitHub

They probably have different environment options set and it is one of those causing the problem.

Do you have the logging env option set?

I do have logging to debug level, but I’m not seeing anything
and because it’s the exact same underlying stack, docker image, cloudron package, each instance is exactly the same, that’s the odd thing.

Hey @benb,

I don’t want to be the one that says it but if they were all exactly the same I would expect it to work. I would turn off the logging option and see if that helps but to me as the issue is coming from the node that is where I would start.

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Have tried it with the log turned off, but since the last N8N upgrades, now all my instance have stopped working for the Mastodon node, I’m still investigating what happened, meanwhile I’m using the HTTP node to make the api request, but it’s a pity because I would have wanted to use the Content Warning feature and also to set a language etc…

Hi @benb - yeah mine is failing on new updates on n8n as well - its something to do with the upload code and changes in n8n… 0.216.2 works (although the logging error still happens on some infrastructure for some unknown other reason)

I have just run into the same issue too after updating to version 0.226.2. Did anyone here manage to solve it?

Hey @bartv,

What are you doing to see the issue?

I’m using the Mastodon Community Node to post a message - same as above I believe.

Hey @bartv,

It might be worth opening an issue on the Github project for the Mastadon node to see if they have worked around it.

Already done, not sure if it’s still maintained :confused:

Hi @benb, are you having trouble with posting to Mastodon using n8n in general or just with this custom node?

I am posting to Mastodon with the HTTP Request node on my own instance. happy to share the details if needed.

Hi @MutedJam I was using the HTTP node in the past but I was really counting on this node to be able to set the language, the CW and other fine features the node is offering that I never managed to set via the HTTP node, have you managed to use the HTTP node for more than simply posting ?

Sounds like you’re almost there, the authentication is usually the hardest part.

Setting the language etc. should be simple enough. On statuses API methods - Mastodon documentation you can find a list of all available parameters. So in n8n’s HTTP Request node, you’d add a new body parameter (type “Form Data” with a name of language and a value like de or en).

Like so for example:

Oh great, I should have tried this sooner, last thing I need would be ability to add a Content Warning and specify the toot is sensitive

Boolean. Mark status and attached media as sensitive? Defaults to false.
String. Text to be shown as a warning or subject before the actual content. Statuses are generally collapsed behind this field.

will play with these two and see how it goes :smiley:

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This is really cool !

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