0.92.0 possibly broke my mqtt

I checked now which version of the mqtt package n8n uses in which version.

The latest n8n version uses 4.2.4. That version of the package got used the first time with [email protected]. The version before [email protected] used 4.2.1 which is the same version that got used with [email protected]. they are using

So you can check if it works with [email protected] and if it then breaks with [email protected]. If that is the case, it is definitely the underlying mqtt package. In this case you can report the issue here:

They will then have a better understanding what changed and how to repair it. I personally have sadly literally no experience with MQTT at all. If it is really a bug and the fix it, it will then also automatically find its way into n8n.

Nobody is reacting to my ticket … would it be feasible to compile the old version into your next release?
From my perspective … I wouldn’t want to loose the Pushover node.

I actually answered and was waiting for you to confirm that it breaks between 0.90.0 and 0.91.0 (because then I can for simply set the mqtt package to version 4.2.1) and to file a bug report at MQTT.js

Oh … doesn’t it suffice to confirm that 0.80.0 works and the current ones don’t? I opened an issue in github … but nobody replies:

Currently we only know that it breaks for you somewhere between 0.80.0 and 0.91.0. A lot did happen between that both versions. If I know that it breaks between 0.90.0 and 0.91.0 (where I know that exactly that one package changed for sure) can I be almost 100% certain that it was really that one thing and not some other strange side-effect of something else.

ok … I will test 0.90.0 asap

0.90.0 works … immediately green
0.91.0 not working (checked again)

Great, thanks. Gonna set mqtt to 4.2.1. I will update here once the new version got released. Should happen within the next hours.

Got released with [email protected]

Works :slight_smile:


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Great to hear! Have fun!

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