401 error when connecting to a Supabase Storage S3 Bucket with S3 node

Has anyone managed to connect to Supabase Storage via S3 node? Setting up the S3 node is straightforward (all required credentials - S3 endpoint, region, access key id, secret access key - are provided by Supabase in the settings section), however when trying to run the S3 node, I receive the error message “No API key found in request”. I first thought, it might be due to missing RLS policies (though this shouldn’t be the issue, as I’m connecting with access key and secret key). So I’ve additionally set up the policies to test, but I received the same error message.

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hi @strongbow :wave:

This might be a bit of a long shot, but can you try maybe setting the permissions for the files with the ACL dropdown under “additional fields”? Not so sure that will work, but it might be worth a shot :sweat_smile:

If that doesn’t work, perhaps this example with the HTTP node instead will work for you? Unable to upload file to Supabase storage bucket - #4 by MutedJam

So did you end up finding a solution to your problem ?

Unfortunately, I haven’t found a solution to this problem. Since the provided S3 credentials from Supabase (with access key and secret key) work fine when using a different access method, I assume actually that n8n’s S3 node might not be compatible with Supabase S3 buckets?! - as the error message states that there is no API key provided (although in n8n’s docs for the S3 credentials it states that the API key is the Access Key ID, which is provided by Supabase).

Well, thank you. It is a shame the S3 node is not compatible; I really don’t understand why, as it is working on other platforms, as you said. It is also a shame that the Supabase node does not include storage interactions directly.

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