Hello, im trying to create seperate marketing wordpress posts using my postgresql database colons.
I succesfully managed to do that but i cant find a way to save post slugs(keywords) in create post request.
Im trying to create them via custom wordpress api call but im getting 403 error from node.
Ive added credentials and spesific node image here.
Thank you for your help.
I would recommend using the app password with basic auth and you should be good to go, If you are still hitting a 403 it would suggest something else could be unhappy. I would check any security plugins that may be impacting the API, Also if you are using Cloudflare infront of your site or IONOS as a host you may see issues depending on the security options you have set around user agents.
not really using any CDN or so.
I solved it temporary with zapier integration which triggered by new post created + research keyword on article + update post.