"404 page not found" because of n8n folder attributes

Hi. I’m joining the problem.
Almost according to the instructions (almost, because I prefer my own way of docker installation) I repeated what you are doing:

root@ilove_n8n:~# history
    1  apt update
    2  apt upgrade -y
    3  curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o install-docker.sh && sh install-docker.sh
    4  vi docker-compose.yml
    5  vi .env
    6  mkdir n8n
    7  docker compose up

the problem persists, even when using the command that supposedly grants permissions.

Okay, we’ll try your option:

root@ilove_n8n:~# history
    7  docker compose up
    8  docker run --rm -it --user root -v ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n --entrypoint chown n8nio/base:16 -R node:node /home/node/.n8n
    9  docker compose up

I think you are overdoing it by hiding permissions inside the container for the node user. add a command to change permissions directly in the Dockerfile of the image build.

I will also test this option to solve the problem.

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