I’ve got two workflows: one “helper” workflow which receives some delivery dates and calculates a ship date from it and returns a response, and another which calls this workflow to get the ship date and do something with it.
A new issue that started today is that the primary workflow gets a “499 - Client Closed Request” error when calling the helper workflow.
This should be resolved now.
The issue was that when we upgraded our reverse-proxy earlier today, it changed the default timeout for connections to 5 seconds. We have also updated the configuration to remove the implicit timeout, as it used to be.
@netroy I have the same problem since this morning, and I am on self-hosted docker. The problem is still happening now. Does it mean there is no connection at all with what you describe?
Edit : to be more precise, I am not certain it started this morning, but it was reported by a client this morning, and it worked fine recently.
Hi everyone!
One of our client is getting the same error. Sometimes it’s fine.
But on our side we are getting this since 10 days. Please help us resolve the problem!
@Kienou_Nestor This issue is related to the 499s (and other connection timeouts) that started happening earlier today.
Since the issue you mention is there since 10 days, it’s likely a completely different issue. Can you please start a new topic, fill up the template, and add any additional info that might help us reproduce the issue?
Without all that information, we don’t even know what the issue is. It’s very unlikely that we can fix a bug without first understanding the bug.