Additional double quotes being added

Describe the problem/error/question

Additional double quotes being added on Edit Fields node.

What is the error message (if any)?

I have the following node, that for some reason it adds an additional double quotes inside my string despite I’m not setting it anywhere.

What I’ve tried:

  • switching from raw to manual mode: same error on both modes
  • deleting this node and adding it again: error persists

For reference, I have another Edit Fields node using raw mode that works fine:

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.54.4 (happened on multiple previous versions)
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker (compose)
  • Operating system: Linux EC2 instance

Hi @Daniel_Luz

Weird stuff. Can you show what the JSON view shows? The Schema is nice, but is not the raw data.

Question though, you have an example of it working with the raw json mode, but you also say that you tried that and it didn’t work. I am a bit confused about that.

Here is the JSON view for both sides:

Question though, you have an example of it working with the raw json mode, but you also say that you tried that and it didn’t work. I am a bit confused about that.

Yeah, that’s what makes it more weird. For this node specifically (Edit Fields, same as the working example), I got the same bug either using raw or manual mode.

But the attached picture pretty much sums it up. Is there anything I’m missing here on this behaviour?

if you add a code node before this set node, without changing any of the code does that fix it?

I had a similar problem

No response. Couldn’t figure out what was wrong…

Have you tried putting a code node after the sql node? Code node just needs to return all.

Got the same error:

Just combining date values from several nodes (GMail).
Edit Node v3.4
GMail node v2.1

try inserting a code node and reading the data from that.
It should parse the date correctly to a string.

@BramKn Thanks for your advice.

But is this how it should work in production?

Please pay attention there - the worst part of it (that’s because I waste several hours debugging it) - if you check execution history or recreate a stage in another process or just pin data and execute it - you’ll not see any errors. So it happens only while executing not in editor. Look at the messageDate1 and messageDate2 fields on the screen and corresponding outputs (no errors on the left side and errors on the right).

There is a bug that makes the value a sort of datatime type instead of string which is normal JSON.
This results in it working properly in edit mode and not active/production mode(or the other way around not sure)
Adding a code node that just returns all forces the type to be a string which is proper JSON, after that you can use it as normal and both edit and active mode will be the same.

Hope that makes sense.

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You also can use SET node before the target SET node like this:

That does the same thing :slight_smile:
And yes of course you can do that.

I’m personally prefer standard nodes and stay away from the Code node as long as you can because it is more transparent and easier to understand the logic. :grinning:

I understand and it is a good think.
But for this bugfix, it is as simple as just inserting it without changing anything.
Or even better change it to

return $input.all();

Tried the workaround with the Code node before the Set one

Got the same error

Additionally, I have the same three times on the same workflow, like this:

Usually, when I get an error on the first run, I just disable that node and retry, and the other ones usually run fine (absolutely the same structure for the Set nodes).

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