Adjusting Y-Axis | QuickChart


Is there any possibility to adjust the y-axis so that it doesn’t start from 0?

I know it’s set to 0 by default. Based on the QuickChart API, you can change that by adding an option, but I’m not sure if it’s possible to add options, as currently, the QuickChart node on n8n only has predefined chart options.

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Hey @Im30now , yes, you can change the min valie of Y-axis but you would need to use HTTP Request node for that. See QuickChat API docs how it is done, Axes | QuickChart.

Here’s an example of options.scales,yAxes.ticks.min usage of v2 API option to achive that. Note that using v3 would require a slight modification of the options, namely options.scales.y.min


Thank you! Everything works great. Was able to connect Google Sheets and use your provided information to make it work.

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