Airtable to Mysql, missing fields best pratice?

I’m new :wink: this question will seem a bit basic probably.
I am trying to synchronize Airtable and my my SQL database.
In the context of an addition in airtable, I get 3 fields out of 5 for the new record that has just been added.
But when I try to add the row in mysql, I get a return that the 2 missing fields cannot be empty.
Yet these are not mandatory in my SQL?
So the alternative will be to test via a node “code” the existence or not of all the fields?
How to do it, what is the good practice ?

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Hey @Bronks,

Welcome to the community :cake:

Can you share the workflow you are using? I suspect the issue could be that if you are using a query and the values are empty the database is not happy about that and would rather have null sent instead.

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Thanks Jon but I have changed my plans :wink: this problem is no longer relevant.

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