Just curious if anyone can think of a way to do this. I suspect it would involve http request and apps script, in which case, I’ll probably not bother but in case there’s some method of handling image files that I’m not aware of I’d love to hear some suggestions.
From checking this SO thread it seems there is no API functionality for this, but that a workaround might be possible through a formula. I’ll see if I can come up with something
Send a formula value such as ==IMAGE("https://www.thomasmartens.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/snapbythree-my-g6e641CiHFQ-unsplash-scaled.jpg") to Google Sheets and the image appears in the sheet. You’d need a double equal sign == as a single one would be interpreted by n8n as an expression value.
@MutedJam very nice! This works via public URL though right? Sorry I should have specified that I’m working with an actual jpegs of receipts that need to remain private. Do you think that would be possible?