Array/boolean type in HTTP request body parameter


I am wondering how I can pass an array/boolean in a body parameter on n8n. I am using webhook to capture the data from a form on my charity website and then HTTP request to post the data to Sendinblue contact list.

Sendinblue expects a certain parameter (contact list Id) as an array, and another as boolean (update existing contact).

“ERROR: 400 - {“code”:“invalid_parameter”,“message”:“listIds should be type array”}”

Would appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction…

Welcome to the community @abdullah!

Yes you can simply set “JSON/RAW Parameters” to true. It then changes the parameters like body to a single JSON-field where you can then simply set all parameters via JSON.

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Hi Jan!

Thank you so much for the kind welcome and the detailed answer. I made it work following your advice!

Great to hear that this solved your problem.

Have fun with n8n!

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