Array http-request - POST method


First, sorry about my english.

I need to create/make someting like this in n8n (send an array in http-request).
Is it possible without sending through JSON/RAW Parameters?

Captura de tela 2022-04-23 181217


Hey @CristianHeyde, welcome to the community :tada:

I am not familar with the UI you have shared but I assume this will result in some JSON array being sent somewhere? Perhaps like this:

    "walletId": "foo",
    "percentualValue": 123

I can’t think of an elegant way of doing this without the JSON/RAW Parameters option of the HTTP Request node. You can, however, create your item outside of the HTTP Request node so you can work with individual fields instead of a single JSON object if you prefer. Here would be an example using the Set node:

This workflow would result in the payload mentioned above being sent:

Is this what you had in mind?

Hello @MutedJam . First, tks for your response.
Let me see if I can explain.

This is the code that I need:

"split": [
      "walletId": "00a860a1-1f18-4e7c-bc05-257bd880a10c",
      "percentualValue": 20

The whole code:

  "customer": "31443103",
  "billingType": "BOLETO",
  "dueDate": "2022-04-15",
  "value": 12.20,
  "description": "TEste",
  "externalReference": "",
  "split": [
      "walletId": "00a860a1-1f18-4e7c-bc05-257bd880a10c",
      "percentualValue": 20

The values I need to take from Notion.

Here is my workflow (only the part I mark with blue is not working, because I need that array):

The HTTP node:

And the workflow:

The values I need to take from Notion. I don`t know how I can do it with the set node, if is possible or not.

That image I sent in my question is from (formely
They have a node call Json create.

PS: sorry my English :frowning:

Hi again @MutedJam
I got it, with the Set Node, but not exactly that they aks :frowning:

The part of the code with “split” that I mentioned above:

"split": [
      "walletId": "00a860a1-1f18-4e7c-bc05-257bd880a10c",
      "percentualValue": 20

Tks again