Authentication with N8N V1+

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I’m currently using n8n version 0.233.1 (Comunity Edition) for my home lab.
I use the authentik application (forward Auth) to connect to n8n.

The V1+ versions require a user (owner) and password when the instance is created.

All authentication options are on an “Enterprise” plan. As I’m the only user and given my usage, it’s unthinkable to switch to an enterprise plan.

I wanted to know if it was possible to deactivate the login page to be able to continue using Authentik, or a way to pass credentials in the Authentik request.


Hey @Gsyltc,

The User Management feature works on all n8n plans including community so you would only need the enterprise option if you wanted to implement SAML or LDAP for authentication.

There isn’t an official way to disable the authentication in n8n but it may be possible to do something with hooks but we don’t have an example on how to do that and validating the Authentik request could be tricky.

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately I understand that it is no longer possible to use software such as Authelia or Authentik (in Forward Auth, Remote_User mode) and that the only possibility is to use the user manager for CE (or have Enterprise for SAML and LDAP, which I don’t use by the way).

With Authentik or Authelia, in older versions, all you had to do was skip the account configuration step, and you were good to go.

Unfortunately, I’ll keep the old versions until I find another solution.


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Hey @Gsyltc, if you’d like to test out the hooks approach with more recent n8n versions, Self hosted user management - #4 by MutedJam would have an example. I haven’t tested it yet, and you definitely want to make sure to take a backup beforehand, but it should point in the right direction at least :slight_smile:


Hi @MutedJam,

Thanks for the link and the explaination. I will test this on my “dev/lab” instance and deploy it if it’s ok.

I will try this soon and I will let you know :slight_smile:

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