Administrator approval required
requires authorization to access your organization’s resources, and this access can only be granted by an administrator. Please ask an administrator to grant permission for this application before you can use it.
I don’t really understand because I think I am administrator (at least I can access Teams administration center). I have no problem with Microsoft Outlook node.
Hi @dot, I am very sorry to hear you’re having trouble!
Are you using Microsoft Teams as a member of an (Azure) Active Directory? If so, could you confirm you’re an admin in your Active Directory? You should see a checkbox allowing you to consent on behalf of your organization in this case:
Hi there, I am having the same problem. Outlook and Excel are working but I can’t get Teams to work. I am not an Azure admin since my company has their IT outsourced to a service provider. So I am wondering what the solution would be in my case. The same popup as above shows up with the option “If you have an administrator account, sign in with it.” Is the solution that our IT admin logs in using his admin credentials?