Automatic Discourse Invite JSON Problem

Hey n8n folks,

i am switching from to N8N in the community version on my own hetzner server.

I build an automatic Account Creation incl. invite for new users Workflow.

Workflow Explanation:

  • New Ghost Member
  • Filter: Paid or free Member
  • Paid member: Invite to discourse

This is my working JSON:

  "email": "{{ $ }}",
  "name": "{{ $ }}",
  "username": "ToolGuide{{ Math.floor(10000 + Math.random() * 90000) }}",
  "password": "{{ $json.body.member.current.uuid }}",
  "active": "false",
  "approved": "true"

On Username you see that i take: ToolGuide with a Random Number to create usernames.


The new member can change it later. I dont like it much, it was a workaround to start.

New Code Problems

Normally i would like to use the first characters on en email ex.

Therefore is this slightly different code:

  "email": "{{ $ }}",
  "name": "{{ $substring($replace($replace($substring($, 0, $indexOf($, '@')), '+', '_'), '-', '_'), 0, 20) }}",
  "username": "{{ $substring($replace($replace($substring($, 0, $indexOf($, '@')), '+', '_'), '-', '_'), 0, 20) }}",
  "password": "{{ $json.body.member.current.uuid }}",
  "active": "true",
  "approved": "true"


How can i tell the N8N System that $ is a dynamic vairbale without the {{ }} at the end ?

thx for assist

You’re using the variable correctly, but you need to remove the $ sign from the substring and replace functions (they’re regular Javascript functions).

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I changed it but i get still the Undefined error ?

thxj for assist!

I recommend starting with the inner expression, ensure it returns the expected value and then adding more layers. As it is right now, it’s kinda hard to read :slight_smile:

Another approach is to add some Edit Fields nodes to add the intermediary values. Remember: unlike, we don’t charge per node execution, only per workflow execution :slight_smile: So you can expand your workflow a bit for readability.

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