AWS SNS can’t confirm the subscription

I have same problem as here: and I saw on github similar which has never solved.

Webhook as same as AWS SNS doesn’t work properly. In this case I have Pending confirmation the only way and only sometimes it works when I reset n8n and quickly run: send an event. I can send event once time. This is work also with Webhook I can receive an event once time.

Additionaly I use --tunnel service

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: latest
  • **Database (default: SQLite):**PostgreSQL
  • **n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):**default
  • **Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):**Docker
  • **Operating system:**MacOS

Hi @GGG1998 thanks for reaching out and joining the community! :tada:

I see the article you’ve referenced. @barn4k I know the article referenced is a bit old but do you recall if you were ever able to resolve your AWS SNS issues?

Some additional resources that might be helpful before I also try to replicate this:

SNS works fine with python or CLI. The problem is with subscriber n8n.

  1. Create new credentials
  2. Test with python, test with cli
  3. I’ve never touch the limit

What happens when I create a tunnel with your server? How long is it alive? What are the rules for incoming request? Diverging a bit from SNS and little focus on your server hook. I’ve mentioned about it because node that need receive data from hook doesn’t work. For example, Node webhook returns 408 code

Actually, I don’t remember, but I suppose there was an issue with the proper fqdn names for internal n8n address and the one used for the webhooks (we have different fqdns for internal/external traffic)