AWS Textract - run through data and get values?

Okay so following this YT tutorial:

I’ve used Set node to get the ‘SummaryFields’ subset of data that I need (see OP) and set it as pdfdata.

    "pdfdata": [
        "Type": {
          "Text": "TOTAL",
          "Confidence": 89.66414642333984
        "LabelDetection": {
          "Text": "TOTAL",
          "Confidence": 89.2239990234375
        "ValueDetection": {
          "Text": "53900",
          "Confidence": 87.2876205444336
        "PageNumber": 1
        "Type": {
          "Text": "INVOICE_RECEIPT_DATE",
          "Confidence": 95.58136749267578
        "LabelDetection": {
          "Text": "INVOICE AND\nSUPPLY DATE",
          "Confidence": 95.3720474243164
        "ValueDetection": {
          "Text": "04/04/2022",
          "Confidence": 94.0542984008789
        "PageNumber": 1

I then created a new Function and used:

from here: How can I select part of json with Function or Set node - #4 by MutedJam

Then I turned it into this:

return [{
  json: {
    pdfdata: items[0] => { return {
        name: s.LabelDetection.Text,
        value: s.ValueDetection.Text

So my result is:

"pdfdata": [
"name": "TOTAL",
"value": "53900"
"value": "04/04/2022"

Which is almost there! :smiley:

But I want the ‘name’ to be the actual data, not “name”:“TOTAL”, i.e. I want to end up with this:


I tried:

pdfdata: items[0] => { return {
        s.LabelDetection.Text: s.ValueDetection.Text

But that doesn’t work…