I’m curious how others do it. I sometimes catch myself and want to do a whole lot with one workflow/process. So I was wondering in order to slim things down a bit (and have workflows focus on one thing in particular), how would you do modulirization? Right now the only thing that would come to my mind is a webhook trigger and an HTTP Post from the origin workflow, is there a better way?
Yes, there is currently sadly no better way. I have planed now for a while to make it possible to call one workflow from another one but did not get to it yet. Hopefully will find time for it soon as I should now have again more time than the last month.
So the way I handle it is to define a Webhook Trigger and use that as a module interface. I just don’t know whether when scaled this would have any negative side-effects.
In essence I’m doing a whole HTTP roundtrip which could as well be a process ping, but then again, this makes things very transparent and one can use the existing infrastructure
Yes, that is definitely not the best and most efficient way of doing it. But that is sadly to expect as it is a workaround.
As you can simply call the webhooks as “localhost” the time lost there should be very minimal. The biggest hit will be that it starts a new process, so you will for sure lose almost a second there. But again is only a workaround and I want to look into a proper implementation very soon.
An “Execute Workflow” Node got created and released with [email protected]
The input data of the ndoe will be at the same time the output of the Start-Node in the called workflow. The output data of the last node of the executed workflow will be the same as the output of the “Execute Workflow” Node.