[Bug] Error with Syntax highlighting when using string with "€"

Hello together,

the coloring and displaying of the syntax while using a expression like this is not working correclty:

{{15.5 + “€”}}


Its working but i got a bit confused that the code got replaced wrong and had no green highlight.

Self-Hosted with Docker
Version: 1.31.2

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Hi @Bastian_Orth!

That’s interesting. I’ll share this with our engineering team to get their thoughts, but in the interim you can use the hexadecimal code to ensure syntax highlighting functions as desired.

{{15.5 + "\u20AC" }}


I hope this helps for now. Happy building!

1 Like

As @Ludwig said, just convert it into “Unicode escape sequence” i usually doing it with ChatGPT. All special characters should be treated same way with n8n expression. including Emojis.


Thanks for the hints.

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