We are using n8n because we can host it our selves on remote (offline) locations. For one location we would need to lookup the next action from a list:
Can we store this file in n8n? I saw the ReadBinaryFile action and hoped to supply the file (binary) as property but the hint says it is expecting the binary name - not the content.
Sorry, not sure if I understand what you want to do. However, if you want to move data between a “json” and a “binary” property you can use the “Move Binary Data” Node:
The functionality is planned but did not get created yet. It can only be done indirectly by using the Webhook-Node in one workflow and the HTTP Node in the other to call it.
Hey, I just wondering would it be a good idea to have some node which can store small amount of data that constant. Something like we pin data in a node but in this case it would allow execute just part of the workflow which starts from pinned data node.