Can n8n start multiple instances and share a database?

I want to deploy an n8n cluster. There are many tasks, and I am afraid that only one node is not enough.

Can n8n start multiple instances and share a database?

Hi @Hao_Tan

If you just start multiple regular n8n instances you could potentially have duplication of work.

The best way to scale n8n is described in our docs here: Overview - n8n Documentation

There is also a recording from a livestream that explains how this works: How to scale your n8n instance 🗻 - YouTube

I hope these resources can help you better understand how to scale n8n. Feel free to ask any other questions you might have :slight_smile:

Edit: fix broken link - thanks to @Ian_Houser


Thanks, solved my problem


Amazing :slight_smile: Have fun!

First link is broken! Fixed here: