Can we use postgres or mysql instead of sqlite for development mode?

Can we use postgres or mysql for n8n local development instance started using npm run dev?

I have set the following env variables but development mode is not working:

export DB_TYPE=mysqldb
export DB_MYSQLDB_HOST=localhost
export DB_MYSQLDB_PORT=3306
export DB_MYSQLDB_USER=root
export DB_MYSQLDB_PASSWORD=password

Error: Could not connect to server. Refresh to try again.

Same happens with Postgres(entered corresponding env variables) as well. Am I missing any env settings or others?

Do I need to create n8n database myself or will it be auto-created when starting n8n?

mysql Ver 8.0.28 for Win64 on x86_64

I got it to work with Postgres after creating n8n db manually. Thanks…

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