Cannot connect Jira credential to Jira Data Center with Personal Access Token

Describe the problem/error/question

I’m trying to create a credential in n8n to connect to my Jira Data Center instance with a personal access token. I have my n8n URL included in the “Allowlist” for my Jira installation. This happens with the Jira server and cloud credential types.

What is the error message (if any)?

I get a 403 error when trying to connect the credential

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: = 1.24.1
  • Database (default: SQLite): = Postgresql
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): = Queue mode
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): = EKS
  • Operating system: = Linux

Did you check that your n8n url does not ends with a slash in the allow list?

You can use the http node and open the dev console (f12 - console tab) to see the exact query

Hey @Hidden_Squid,

So 403 sound like your login/password/token is wrong. Are you sure you are allowed to use API with this token?
I ask because I had same issue, but I blame my IT for that :sweat_smile:
Were you able to use this token ever? You can check last use in jira same place where you created one

yeah I kinda went with the route of allowing everything from my n8n domain (screenshot below) with a wildcard to cover any path past the root domain and then a domain name add for the root

oh interesting! I’m new to administering Jira so this may be my lack of knowledge showing. I mainly noticed the ability to create a personal token - but didn’t notice anything in the admin panel about administering/scoping those tokens past just revoking them and seeing when they expire…

so small update - I was able to use the HTTP request node to get issue data in this Jira instance with the token I made. So I know it works to call on the API. But the problem now is I still can’t create a credential with it either with the cloud or server credential type (always returns a 403)