Today we’ve been encountering a critical problem: we have two workflows which are triggered by webhooks and the problem is that some of those webhooks stop working completely unpredictably - meaning instead of triggering the workflow they just throw 404 as if they wouldn’t exist.
The workflow itself doesn’t get deactivated, but deactivating and activating the workflow again seems to temporarily fix the problem, but after some time it occurs again…
Updating the N8n version to 1.75.2 (Latest stable) didn’t help.
Did anyone experience something similar? Any help is appreciated!
The n8n instance is hosted at n8n.cloud.
Here is the debug info:
instance information
Debug info
- n8nVersion: 1.75.2
- platform: npm
- nodeJsVersion: 20.18.1
- database: sqlite
- executionMode: regular
- concurrency: 50
- license: community
- consumerId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- success: all
- error: all
- progress: false
- manual: true
- binaryMode: filesystem
- enabled: true
- maxAge: 720 hours
- maxCount: 25000 executions
- userAgent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; win64; x64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/ safari/537.36
- isTouchDevice: false
Generated at: 2025-01-23T15:02:16.784Z