Channel : Join - Slack -> Internal Error


I create a channel and I try to add users to the Channel but I alway get the answer ‘Internal Error’
I do the same thing with the ‘Kick’ node and it works perfectly fine
Do you have any idea where does that comes from ?

I can use the ‘fixed’ and the dropdown menu to add a user but not a Json with the ID or the Name


Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.53.2
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Cloud
  • Operating system:

Hi @Nicolas_N

Thanks for reporintg - Can you please share your workflow so we can try to reproduce the error?

Thanks :pray:

Here is the workflow
The issue is with the last node
Thx ! :pray:

Hi @Nicolas_N

I could not reproduce your error.
Can you please try to update your n8n version and see if you get a more specific error message?
You may also want to review whether you have the right scope to invite people to the channel.

Hi Ria,
I updated my n8n and I still have the same Internal error

I also added some permissions to my credential and still the same issue

Do you have the list of permissions needed to Invite someone to a private channel ?
I have :

Thx !

I hope this will help you investigate

Hi @Nicolas_N

Thanks! :pray: Still checking… :eyes:

Should have asked earlier, but which credentials are you using for Slack?
API Access Token or OAuth2? And is your integration for a Slack User or a Slack Bot?

Also try adding this scope too conversations:write.invites


I tried with the API and the Oauth2, I have the same result.
For the video, I used the API connector
I am confused because it works when I click on the user but I did not work when I use the ID slack
So I think that my credential and scopes are the correct ones
Thank you for your help and your time ! :slight_smile:

Does the same ID (U06APR...) work in the Get User's Profile node?

Yes it works :slight_smile:

Hi @ria

Found the solution !

The format of the Json was not an Array
I just changed it from {{ $json.property_id_slack }} to {{ [$json.property_id_slack] }}

Even if the Node says this is not supported, it works !

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