If you check the webhook url in the node does it still show as http://localhost:5678 or does it show your domain?
If it does show as localhost setting the WEBHOOK_URL env option will help, If it is showing as your domain does Clickup show any errors for the connection?
Please click on webhook URL and tell us what the URL is.
It should be your full custom URL with https://. If it is localhost:5678 it means you didn’t set the WEBHOOK_URL env option on setup and that would be the fix
Usually doesn’t work without it. I had an issue with clickup triggers where i had a typo in https and triggers weren’t working, when i fixed the typo it started working.
Also, sometimes i have found it can take up to a minute for the events to come in from clickup
Also, for now for your testing set the event to * which will send all events. (unless you have others doing stuff that will keep triggering it)
But that will tell you if it’s your issue or clickups issue
Does a normal webhook worklfow work ok? I have just tested the clickup trigger on my n8n install and it appears to be ok. I personally don’t use Cloudron as to me it is another layer in the process that doesn’t need to be there.
Don’t mean to beat a dead horse, that is just the most common issue. People post about this all the time and it is almost always that.
Like @Jon asked, does the regular webhook trigger work ok for you? The clickup trigger is essentially just a webhook trigger under the hood, it just registers the url for you (which is why it’s important for it to be set correctly)
It could also be a firewall issue or getting mixed up in your reverse proxy, so check all of the relevant logs and see if anything is being blocked.
As a trouble shooting step you can set up a normal webhook trigger. Then manually subscribe to the clickup webhooks with an http node using the webhook url. This is what the clickup trigger does under the hood.