Hello, I’m trying to connect with Coda (using n8n’s pack) but it does not work)
We’re using the self hosted version on windows
What is the error message (if any)?
Couldn’t get updates from n8n for Coda as of 5 mins ago. Try again in a few minutes or check your settings.
Failed to fetch data from n8n for Coda
Reason: unable to verify the first certificate
We have a godaddy certificate and it’s valid (in fact, I can access the domain and use n8n from another laptop, also in the api playground I have no issues, i can retrieve data with 200 response)
We’re also using nginx as reverse proxy
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong
Information on your n8n setup
n8n version: Version 1.36.2
**Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):**npm
Hi @o_morales
Thanks for posting here and welcome to the community
It would be really helpful if you could share your workflow here, so we can try to reproduce the error you are getting.
You can simply share workflows here by pasting their JSON content (after you download the workflow from you workspace) in between two block quotes (```).
Also if you have any screenshots of what you are seeing, that would be good!