Coda Update Row / Upsert - Sooo Lost On This!

Hey everyone I’m confused how do I update an existing row’s column. I need to add a folder url after a project is completed but for the love of me, I don’t understand how to do an Upsert.

As you can see, when I try a new row gets created.

And I have a set right before coda launched to store the value

Thanks for any help in understanding this.

Oh and I tried using the row ID and of course that’s not a column, so it errored out

After some experimentation I finally figured it out. Here’s the answer for anyone else who may need to Update or Upsert with n8n.

I have a Coda Node separate to get all columns

You get the (key) or primary column / first column

Under “Add Option” add a “Key Columns”

And use the primary look up table or (key)

Be sure your lookup (key) is set in this case Column = Name & Value = Test1
Will Update the the Test1 row and Modify the Column = UpdateThis with Value = With That or That (Updating the current value of “With That” from figuring it out first time)


Hope this helps others!!


So glad to see you figured it out, and thanks a million for sharing your solution @soulphforum :bowing_man:

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