Community Nodes not accessable

Describe the problem/error/question

I have created a new instance of n8n and for some reason, when i install a community node it does not appear to set the credentials. When i add a node of the installed community node ( in this example @sevenguru/n8n-nodes-discord
, but the same comes up with other community nodes ), it says “No Data” at the “Credential to connect with” dropdown and it does not let me set new ones. It also doesn’t find it when i want to set the credentials directly. Now i have 3 other points that make it even more strange.

  1. When i restart the n8n session, it doesn’t even find the nodes anymore. The node then appears as “?” and when i open it, it says i should install the needed community node:


Even though, when i look into the community node tab, it still says that it is installed and there are also no error messages at the installation

  1. I had the mysterious event, that i still built at my home PCs local installation some workflows, and after some days, the nodes suddenly appeared. I was happy ,i thought okay nice, i did nothing but fine. I cannot explain what was happening to get it, but now i stand at the same issue as i tried to install it on another machine where i wanted to run it initial.

  2. This issue came up on my home PC, i have tried it with container and local installation, i have tried different versions, from the latest to like the last 10 versions. Now i have tried it on a little PC i set it up freshly with Ubuntu and installed it as a container, same issue. Strangely on my company laptop, it worked just fine from the beginning.

I am at the end of knowledge if there is some trick or something i can do. If not, i maybe just have to wait some days until it finally appear correctly.

At the end i want to thank you guys for the support i get from you all the time. Not on my issues but just scrolling through the forum brings me up to new ideas and it motivates seeing so many people helping each other. I just use n8n for like 3 months around but i love the community, the support and the program per se. I hope some day i have enough experience to can actively help others as well.

What is the error message (if any)?

The node is not currently installed. … (if you can call it a error message in this case)

Please share your workflow

No specific one

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.41.1 (but also later ones)
  • Database (default: SQLite): default
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): default
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker & npm
  • Operating system: Windows & Ubuntu

is the issue happening only on the docker installation , or also on the npm installation?
if it’s just docker, can you please share how the docker container is setup? did you use docker run or docker compose?

It happened in both ways. Can’t really describe why it was then happening that it worked on the one system.
When i used docker i used docker run

Can you check if clearing the browser cache fixes the issue?
We recently changed some cache settings, and that could be causing this.

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I fixed this by just removing and uninstalling, but “Discord App” doesn’t come up for me when I go to add credentials.

I will try clearing the cache in the evening today (UTC+1 for reference when evening is haha )

And yes, something similar happend to me all the time. When i reinstall it i can again set the Nodes but the credential were not setable.

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