I have an eCommerce store built using Salla eCommerce and I’m using Oddo self-hosted ERP-CRM-Inventory management.
I searched the available nodes in n8n.io and found there is one node for Odoo but not contain the inventory and missing some other required functionalities.
For Salla eCommerce no node at all.
How I can connect both (Salla eCommerce to Odoo self-hosted ERP-CRM-Inventory) so that when I receive an order or a new customer buys from my store it will auto-synchronize with Odoo to update the inventory and create the customer?
It all depends on how Salla works, A lot of eCommerce platforms have a webhook option where you can post data to a URL when a sale / order is complete. You could point that to a Webhook trigger node then from there use either the Odoo node or an HTTP Request node to manually work with the Odoo API.