Connecting to the UPS REST API

Describe the problem/error/question

I couldn’t connect to UPS REST services. I was writing this message and in the course of creating screenshots etc I figured it out! I thought I would still post this so it could benefit others in the same predicament.

What is the error message (if any)?

Some (not all) of the errors I encountered:
“status”:“rejected”,“reason”:“Missing transactionSrc”
“status”:“rejected”,“reason”:“Invalid or Missing required parameter”
“status”:“rejected”,“reason”:“Invalid/Missing Authorization Header”
“status”:“rejected”,“reason”:“We do not support the content type in your request. Please modify the format and try again.”

Here’s a screenshot of my Credentials:

Access Token URL:


Link to UPS docs for more info: UPS Developer Portal

Output from HTTP node

{...}, // 4 items
{...} // 2 items
"Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet. ",

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version:** 0.227.1
  • Database (default: SQLite):** Postgres
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):**
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):** App
  • Operating system:** Linux Ubuntu

Hope this helps someone!

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Sweet, so glad you figured it out @tberneman! OAuth2 authentication can be a pain, especially for services not frequently used with n8n, so I really appreciate you sharing this.

I’ll move this post to the Tips & Tricks category so folks hopefully have an easier time finding it.

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