Course 1 Quiz Issues and Requested Improvements

As the title indicates, there’s room for improvement on these quizzes, specifically regarding the practical portion (as well as feedback on the theory portion).

The primary issue is that the language used in the practical portions is ambiguous, at best, and leads to a situation where the final answer to the question of how to interpret the results after the requested changes yields an answer that is not present in the actual quiz answer choices.

That leaves three possibilities:

  1. the answer choices do not include the correct answer;
  2. the final question is ambiguous and so it’s unclear what results are being referred to; and/or
  3. the instructions in the section aren’t correct/are ambiguous.

I’ve included the relevant instructions, question, and solutions below to provide feedback on this and to get clarity.

Ambiguous Instructions

The IF node has one condition to filter processing orders. Add a second condition to filter the orders assigned to the employee named Mario, in the same IF node.

Feedback: This reads as an AND statement. Following that, we reach the problem below.

Problem: The final question “What do the new results represent?” is ambiguous, at best. Is it referring to the results in the TRUE branch? In the FALSE branch? In general?

The present options are:

  1. All booked orders (orders that are not processing) → Not true for any interpretation of the question
  2. All orders that are not processing and assigned to Mario → only true for interpreting the results of the true branch
  3. All booked orders that are not assigned to Mario → not true for any interpretation

Given the above, it seems the “new results” being referred to are for the “true” branch of the IF node, but this should be clearly indicated as it very easily reads as a holistic “what do the new results overall show.” The answer there would be that the booked orders assigned to Mario are filtered out while the rest of the processing and booked orders (including Mario) are sent out (or something to that effect).

This should be made more apparent as it took me several tries to understand where the issue was.

Side note on answer feedback

Echoing other learners, it would be nice to at least tell us which questions we got wrong so as to go back and understand better. If the goal is to teach new users the basics of n8n then there should be no barrier to learning what the actual solutions are. It defeats the purpose of the Courses and of the quizzes if there’s no way to check your understanding and you simply have to guess what you got wrong. Happy to help brainstorm alternatives here, but at minimum we should know where we messed up, no question.

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:
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Hi @humanatwork ,

Thanks for sharing your fedback and including examples to better explain it!
We’ll take this on internally and review what we can adjust to make the courses more worthwhile for our users :raised_hands:


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