Interesting, I did some testing and for me the wait node appears to be working, Have you set the GENERIC_TIMEZONE and TZ environment variables to the correct timezone?
The TZ option for n8n would be the same, Create an env option for TZ and put in the same value and see if that helps. As a quick test you could just do a 5 minute wait to see what that does which is what I did for testing.
@Jon I managed to solve the problem, put the timezone and TZ in the n8n’s ENV and the timezone on the machine, but another question arose when automation is on wait waiting for the time and the machine is restarted and when I see the wait process it shows as an error, Is there a way to resolve this? so that even if the machine is restarted, it remains in the saved wait state
I will need to test that my understanding is that when a wait is over a couple of minutes it gets saved to the database for the future so if it does restart it should continue. I will restart my instance later today and see what happens.
Sorry for the delay I was caught up with some other issues, I have creted a workflow with a wait node that is set to wait for 5 minutes I have then restarted the container and the wait had not errored so I also stopped and started the container and it still looks to be waiting.
I will know in 2 minutes if it will run fully without erroring.
Alright so for me the node has continued to wait after the restart and has finished without error. In my environment I am using Postgres 14 and n8n 1.19.5.