Custom Post Type in Wordpress

How can I read, create and update a custom post type in Wordpress?

Today only the default appears, do I have to activate a function?

Thanks in advance

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hey @ednan,

Welcome to the community :tada:

When you say custom post type what do you mean? We do have an option under Additional Fields for the post Format but I suspect that may not be the same thing.

In wordpress you can create Custom Posts Types. Wordpress has a default post type called Posts. Imagine that you can create another “Posts” and call it for example Cars. I think Wordpress n8n node does not have this functionality. You have to use the REST API and do it manually.

Ah that makes sense, So if it isn’t in the additional fields it may not be possible wiht the node but we could always look at adding it if the wordpress api exposes the custom post types.

To be honest, I just installed it, in Docker, using image:laster.

So it’s probably the last and default of everything

Exactly that Mulen, thank you.

But now I have another problem, haha. Well, I’ll have to study how to do this using the REST API

I’ll do some research on the subject Jon, but thank you for trying to help me.

In fact, everyone

Wordpress exposes them as long as when you create a custom post type you allow it to “Show in REST API”

You can look here one of the most popular plugins that allow you to create Custom Post Types

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Mine were created a while ago, and they are already exposed to the API, but I confess that now I don’t know how to see them or how to create new ones referencing them.
It’s my first time using n8n, so I need to see how to do these initial steps, the platform I used before did this natively, so I need to take a look at how to make this connection, but I believe the rest would be very easy.

I use JetEngine

You will have to use HTTP node and the documentation of WordPress for REST API

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