Debug the development of a plugin development


we were developing a new connector in n8n but after your recommendation, we changed it to a plugin following the documentation Run your node locally - n8n Documentation

Before we were able to debug the node and all n8n application. However, now I do not know how to debug. Have you a best practice for that ?

best regards,

Hey @wassim,

I am not sure how others do it but I create my nodes in an n8n branch then copy them to their own npm package as I find it easier. There could be a better way, I only recently found out we have a debug option for running n8n in vscode.

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I see that documentation was updated to this community style. Is there a new method to debug or to show debug messages in log without moving files ?

best regards,

Hey @wassim,

At the moment nothing has really changed there you can of course console.log away and see the output in the n8n console log but we are working on some tooling around this to make it better.

Is it possible to use LoggerProxy in the plugin code ? If yes how to initialize it because I am getting an error (ERROR: LoggerProxy not initialized)

import {
LoggerProxy as Logger
} from ‘n8n-workflow’;