Developing Community Node issues

Hi everyone! So I do want to create a node which incorporates the Personio functionalities(in the declarative way). For testing I created just a simple GET resource which uses an OAuth2 conn as auth method. First thing would be, is it possible to use the OAuth conn with the declarative type? Do you see any issues in my code that might not allow this node to function correctly? Thanks in advance!

import {
} from ‘n8n-workflow’;

export class PersonioOAuth2Api implements ICredentialType {
name = ‘personioOAuth2Api’;
displayName = ‘Personio OAuth2 API’;
extends = [‘oAuth2Api’];

documentationUrl = '';
properties: INodeProperties[] = [
	//	displayName: 'Grant Type',
	//	name: 'grantType',
	//	type: 'hidden',
	//	default: 'clientCredentials',
		displayName: 'Access Token URL',
		name: 'accessTokenUrl',
		type: 'hidden',
		default: '',
		required: true,
		displayName: 'Scope',
		name: 'scope',
		type: 'hidden',
		default: '',
		required: true,
		displayName: 'Auth URI Query Parameters',
		name: 'authQueryParameters',
		type: 'hidden',
		default: '',
		displayName: 'Authentication',
		name: 'authentication',
		type: 'hidden',
		default: 'body',


import { INodeType, INodeTypeDescription } from ‘n8n-workflow’;
//import { httpVerbFields, httpVerbOperations } from ‘./HttpVerbDescription’;

export class Personio implements INodeType {
description: INodeTypeDescription = {
displayName: ‘Personio’,
name: ‘Personio’,
icon: ‘file:personio.svg’,
group: [‘transform’],
version: 1,
subtitle: ‘={{$parameter[“operation”] + ": " + $parameter[“resource”]}}’,
description: ‘Personio API Operations’,
defaults: {
name: ‘Personio API Operations’,
inputs: [‘main’],
outputs: [‘main’],
credentials: [
name: ‘personioOAuth2Api’,
required: false,
requestDefaults: {
baseURL: ‘’,
url: ‘’,
headers: {
‘Accept’: ‘application/json’,
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,
* In the properties array we have two mandatory options objects required
* [Resource & Operation]
* Build a node - n8n Documentation
* In our example, the operations are separated into their own file (HTTPVerbDescription.ts)
* to keep this class easy to read.
properties: [
displayName: ‘Resource’,
name: ‘resource’,
type: ‘options’,
noDataExpression: true,
options: [
name: ‘Employee’,
value: ‘Employee’,
default: ‘Employee’,
// Operations for Employee will go here
displayName: ‘Operation’,
name: ‘operation’,
type: ‘options’,
noDataExpression: true,
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: [‘Employee’],
options: [
name: ‘Get an Employee’,
value: ‘getAEmployee’,
action: ‘Test’,
description: ‘Test’,
routing: {
request: {
method: ‘GET’,
url: ‘=/company/employees/{{$parameters.employeeId}}’,
default: ‘getAEmployee’,

	   // Fields for Employee operation
		// Fields for getAEmployee operation

						displayName: 'Employee ID',
						description: 'Type in the Employee ID',
						required: true,
						name: 'employeeId',
						type: 'string',
						default: '',
						hint: 'Test.',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								resource: ['Employee'],
								operation: ['getAEmployee'],


Also the error message says: “Unable to sign without access token”

Hi @apopescu

Welcome to the community.
Would probably be easiest if you share for example a github repo where we can find the code. that makes it a lot easier to read and look for the issue.

This the project link:

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