Discord Embed With RSS Feed

The Issue :anger:

So, as you can see by the workflow, I want to integrate my blog with a discord embed…
looking around the community, I am not the only one struggling to do this.
Discord webhooks seem to be a problem for a lot of people, and also for me :wink:

I don’t know why, but it won’t work… my discord webhook is simple just take the parameters and put their info the right place:

  "content": null,
  "embeds": [
      "title": "{{$json[\"title\"]}}",
      "description": "{{$json[\"contentSnippet\"]}}",
      "url": "{{$json[\"title\"]}}",
      "color": null,
      "author": {
        "name": "{{$json[\"title\"]}}"
      "footer": {
        "text": "{{$json[\"title\"]}}"
  "attachments": []

Workflow :ocean:

Error Code :no_entry:

Embeds must be valid JSON.

In8n setup :wrench:

  • n8n version: 0.199.0
  • Database: SQLite
  • Running n8n own
  • *Running n8n via *Docker

I did more testing, and it seems like it’s not a valid JSON because of the parameters

  "embeds": [
      "title": {{$json["title"]}},
      "description": {{$json["contentSnippet"]}},
      "url": {{$json["link"]}},
      "color": 4011867,
      "timestamp": null,
      "footer": {
        "icon_url": null,
        "text": {{$json["pubDate"]}}
      "thumbnail": {
        "url": null
      "image": {
        "url": null
      "author": {
        "name": "author name",
        "url": "https://discordapp.com",
        "icon_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png"
      "fields": [

as you can tell, I have a syntax error

Hi @thefourCraft, welcome to the community!

I am sorry to hear you’re having trouble. Using JSON in the Discord node is a bit tricky and I needed to play around with it for quite a bit before I got it to work. Perhaps you could check out this example I provided earlier?

Let me know if you still face any trouble afterwards.

Did you manage to make this work?

I would like a template code to base myself on the same purpose

I found this which sounds interesting

both of them together my solve the issue , but I am not sure about the security
NPM is not a safe tool and Risks - n8n Documentation

An Update About The Situation

This works, but discord is kinda stupid @MutedJam I did look at your setup and

It does work, but you can’t add description
it does solve my problem kinda, I can simply attach the photo to the context of something

Another Update

I managed to make it work, what… by using the contact and the embed I was able to create a nice webhook

1 Like

Sweet, glad to hear that. Thanks so much for sharing your solution!

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