Docker Custom Image Failing to Build (Editor-ui)

Describe the issue/error/question

My current docker custom image is failing to build due to a missing entry error. I have tried building the image as described in the GitHub as per the screen cap, but have also tried to build directly within VS Code. They provide differing error codes.

If anyone has any solutions or ideas that would be great :grin::grin:

What is the error message (if any)?

- Building Using GitHub Instructions

ERROR [builder 8/16] RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile 2.8s
[builder 8/16] RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile:
#12 2.631 Scope: all 8 workspace projects
#12 2.765 ENOENT ENOENT: no such file or directory, open β€˜/home/node/patches/[email protected]’
#12 2.765
#12 2.765 pnpm: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open β€˜/home/node/patches/[email protected]’
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c pnpm install --frozen-lockfile]: exit code: 1

- Building through Docker extension within VS Code

I have tried changing β€œ/docker/images/n8n-custom/” from CRLF to LF and it has not worked.

Update - 30th January

I have gone ahead and tested it on an untouched 0.213.0 version of n8n and it still fails to build. See error:

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.213.0
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite): default
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]: own
  • Running n8n via [Docker, npm,, desktop app]: Docker

Resolved now after the latest update on Jan 31.

1 Like

Hi @Temuujin, welcome to the community! Glad to hear you figured it out and sorry for the trouble you had in the first place!

Depending on your reasons for building a custom image you might perhaps find it easier to use an approach like this one shared by @dakota2gen:

This uses the n8n base image and just adds additional packages such as Python or npm modules. I find it much easier to maintain compared to the official approach (but it would not do the job if you need to change n8n itself, so this depends on your specific needs).

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