Does anyone have a working Docker-compose file for Queue Mode? (N8N Scaling)

Hi there, I was reading through the documentation for scaling N8N Configuring queue mode - n8n Documentation and I was wondering if anyone has a working docker-compose.yml file for a queued setup?

Of course I can work it out myself but I would be grateful if anyone is willing to share an already working one as it will save me a lot of time.

Thank you,


Hey @joeldeteves,

We have one here if it helps: n8n/docker/compose/withPostgresAndWorker at master · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub


Excellent, thank you!

Hi folks. The original docker-compose.yml, mentioned in this thread is gone. Any different file available, please? Thanks :pray:t3:

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The file was moved here.


Hi everybody :slight_smile: Okay, I have working queue mode n8n with 1 container having also worker. What is not clear for me is how can I add more workers to the process? Is it:

    • automatically handled?
    • 1 container = 1 worker only?
    • if 2=true, then I need to run another container for every single required worker (aka computing power)? if yes, is there any possible docker-compose config file, from where can I check how to run more instances (different IDs, etc.?)?

Basically I want to get rid of bottlenecks which is occurring and get more computing power (how is possible than I cant preview 5-10 MB of JSON file, when “stupid” can show me a way more data at the same time without any problem, but with n8n I am getting browser crashes…)

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for this @netroy!
Could you give us an explanation regarding @pyel909’s question, thanks a lot!

I’d also like to know, following!

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hey @Wayne, love your videos man!

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Would love to know as well !

Any update on this, please? :slight_smile: @netroy @headset907

No unfortunately not on my hand, maybe @Jon can as well… :slightly_smiling_face:

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