Hi @sssamsss8, I am very sorry you’re having trouble with this. I believe you have encountered a bug which is currently under investigation by our engineering team.
Can you try saving the execution data of your workflow like so?
Afterwards, downloading binary data inside n8n should again work as expected. Please do let me know if you’re still having trouble even after changing the setting above and re-running your workflow.
Airtable does not allow direct uploads through their API (or at least they didn’t last time I checked). So you would have to first upload your file to a service providing a public URL for your file, then pass the URL on to Airtable. I’ve described the Airtable part in a bit more detail over here: Insert image to Airtable - #2 by MutedJam
Thank you !
Google Drive can’t allow me to get a public URL for my file ?
I had a look at the attached link but I stil don’t see how to get such a URL. Any clue ?
Hi @sssamsss8, you’re right afaik Google Drive does indeed not provide public permalinks pointing directly to a file rather than their UI. The thread I’ve linked just describes the Airtable limitation, it does not discuss the options to create a public URL for a file.
There is, however, a number of options when using n8n. Think S3, a simple web hoster offering (S)FTP upload for their webspace, or even designated file sharing services providing an API.
The question is whether that’s worth the hassle. Perhaps instead you simply want to upload your files to Google Drive, update sharing permissions, then simply store the link in Airtable instead of the actual file?