Edit image to Airtable

I am using edit image node to modify an image from Airtable using Weather API. I am able to send the modified image as an attachment by email so I know the process works. How do I update the original image in Airtable? The binary object is clearly there just the standard mapping seems to map the original image. The Set node does not seem to have a binary option. I also tried the read binary node but need guidance :pray:

Hi @cooper, I am afraid this is a limitation by Airtable. They simply don’t allow uploads via their API, so you’d need to upload your image to another service providing a public URL and can only then ingest this URL in Airtable. Check out my post over here for a quick example on how to upload files to Airtable via URL.

I ended up dropping the Airtable approach because of that restriction and used email instead. If anyone would like to test it, please :pray:

1 use this email address: [email protected]
2 To show weather, specify the location in the subject line
3 To show a message above the weather, specify in the body of the email.
4 Add the image as an attachment then press Send
5 Weather image will return the image with weather to your email.

This is from my home town earlier this morning!

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If this isn’t about Airtable and you would simply like to work with databases allowing image uploads, you could also consider Baserow. It’s an open source Airtable alternative and they do let you upload images. I tested this over here recently :slight_smile:

Sweet photo btw, makes me miss Ireland!


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