Efficient way of making a trello checklist with many checkbox items?

Describe the problem/error/question

I would like to be able to automate the creation of checkbox items in a trello list by feeding some Jason data or something similar like that? Maybe something like this [‘one’, 'two, ‘three’]

Currently I have one trello node that creates the Checklist, then from it I have about 15 separate nodes, and each node creates a separate checkbox item.

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.38.1
  • Database (default: SQLite): SQLite
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): ?
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
  • Operating system: Debian

@privateuserguy , here’s the workflow you could adapt to your use case. Just put your own list of checklist (“checkbox”) items into “Checklist items” node. It should work regardless of the number of the checkbox items.

Warning: You do need to be aware of the rate limit imposed by Trello API. If the number of checkboxes is really big, you might need to add the Loop node with the time delay to prevent going over the limit.

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Thank you so much, that is a really efficient and clean way of working.
I appreciate the time you spent replying and showing me that.
I only have about fifteen or so checkbox items and I have had no notice of rate limiting, so it all seems fine.

Thanks again!

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