Error after upgrade n8n version 'error | There was an error initializing DB: “Cannot convert undefined or null to object” “{ file: ‘start.js’ }”

After I recreate my n8n deployment using latest version of n8n I’m receiving this error, and only worked after I downgraded to 0.190.

'error | There was an error initializing DB: “Cannot convert undefined or null to object” “{ file: ‘start.js’ }”

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n 0.193.3
  • Postgres running on AWS RDS
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]:
  • Running n8n via [Docker, npm,, desktop app]: docker(k8s)

Hi @Victor_Hugo1, I am sorry to hear you’re having trouble. I am running n8n with Postgres myself but haven’t had any trouble with upgrading to [email protected], so was unfortunately not able to reproduce this.

Can you confirm the full server log output covering the database migration as well as the version of Postgres you’re currently running?