Error in CSV Extract from File

So I want to set an email trigger to download a file I will always get in this emails, I set the node to download the file but then when I use the extract from file node I always get this error, I’ve searched everywhere tried to change node options, but I can’t understand where the error comes from, it says line 2, but when I check the file line 2 it seems to have the 7 columns exactly as line 1.

This is a simple test workflow just the Email and Extrac nodes.
Does anyone know what I can do to solve this?

Information on your n8n setup

  • **n8n version: Latest
  • **Database (default: SQLite): Default
  • **n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): Default
  • **Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Cloud
  • **Operating system: MacOS

Hey @Joao_Marques , I suspect something with the actual content of the file.

Here’s the test workflow based on your data in your screenshot. Looks good to me.


Hello thanks a lot for the answer!

I think the issue was with the file encoding BOM, even when I set the BOM option on the node I was getting a line error. I ended up getting a solution close to what you sent, I picked the binary file and instead of trying to extract from CSV I did an extract from text file and then I used a script node to format the data into JSON.

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