I have created a minimal workflow to create a WhatsApp chatbot.
This workflow works on the cloud version of n8n but not in my local machine with Docker.
The error happens in the “WhatsApp Trigger”. There I set the corresponding Credential to connect with, and a green message appears saying “Connection tested successfully”. However, if I test the step, I get the error “Bad request. Please check your parameters”.
The workflow and configurations are exactly the same in both environments (cloud and locally).
What is the error message (if any)?
Problem running workflow
*Bad request - please check your parameters*
Show Details
WhatsApp Trigger: Invalid parameter
Please share your workflow
Share the output returned by the last node
The last node doesn’t return anything since the error occurs in the first node.
Does anybody know what it is falling locally? How can I fix it?
I just found a difference between the configuration of the “WhatsApp Trigger” node in the cloud version and my local version. The webhooks URLs in the cloud version point to my n8n.cloud site whereas my local version webhooks point to localhost:5678, which presumably won’t work.
Which values should I put there instead of localhost:5678?
I’m experiencing the same issue as you. I’m testing a WhatsApp Trigger workflow in my local n8n setup before moving to a paid cloud plan. The connection test succeeds (“Connection tested successfully”), but when I try to execute the step, I get the same error:
Bad request - please check your parameters WhatsApp Trigger: Invalid parameter
I have little technical knowledge in programming, but I’m curious and willing to learn, so some things take me a bit longer to figure out.
Triggers will never work on localhost as the external service cannot reach your server. You’d need to set up a tunnel exposing your local machine to the internet. This obviously comes with some risks, so make sure you know what you’re doing
I had the same issue whilst using cloudflare tunnel with https!
solution for me was i had to update the port of N8N to 443
this was after i tried telegram trigger as well it gave me this error " Bad request - please check your parameters
400 - {“ok”:false,“error_code”:400,“description”:“Bad Request: bad webhook: Webhook can be set up only on ports 80, 88, 443 or 8443”}"
so i updated N8N_PORT=443 and the tuneel works perfectly now and whatsapp & telegram trigger node works fine!
im not using docker, straight up deployment on os,
but the keys i changed to be able to have it working are for whatsapp and telegram
N8N_HOST= my cloudflare domain
in the logs when u start the application you must see these changes reflected and it will till you
your web is accessible via https://cloudflaredomain
i think there is more details of config that you need to do to make sure the container have the host domain of cloudflare and you need to map cloudflare to the container host