Error: There was an error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'C:\Users\asdf\Dane aplikacji'

n8n start
Initializing n8n process
» Error: There was an error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir ‘C:\Users\asdf\Dane aplikacji’

what is this error? How to solve it ?

Hey @Max_T,

That error is saying that n8n doesn’t have permission to access that directory, More information is needed like what are you doing, what node is it if any, are you actually using npm and is it on Windows or something else?

If you want to install n8n globally, use npm:

npm install n8n -g

After the installation, start n8n by running:

# or
n8n start

first I did what in the link, i.e. I installed nodejs and then installed n8n and tried to run and got this message

Hey @Max_T,

Have you set any environment variables as well? Does the path the error mentions actually exist? It could be worth trying to set the N8N_USER_FOLDER environment variable to a different path to see if that helps.